Monday, 30 July 2012

Why Distance MBA ?

A decade back, distance education was not viewed as a matter of choice. Distance learning courses were more often associated with the last and the only option scenario, where in a denied admission or lack of affordability for a regular course saw this mode of education as the only option. This was because there was the distance factor between the student and the university, which did not guarantee prompt communication, guidance or resources, if required by the student by any time. Add to that, the out-dated syllabus of most of the distance learning courses did not deliver job-readiness. There was a degree at the end of it all, but the worth of it was seldom recognised by the job-industry. In short, those who just wanted an additional qualification to their profile drove distance education.
But with globalization, the technology boom and the growing Indian populace, distance education learning has been through a period of Renaissance. There are opportunities everywhere as industry players perform on the global platform. The mass job-potential spells out greater degree of specialization and higher levels of competencies to perform and succeed. The industry doesn't seek degree-holders alone but professionals with job-ready skills, exacting less investment for training or induction. Additionally, with the increasing awareness amongst the mass and the greater exposure to the world outside, education too has assumed a new significance. Higher education is not only viewed as the means for better economic power for the individual or its family but also as one's in-disposable asset, which will last a lifetime. So continuing education for the professional, the student and the value-seeker is the seen as the route to their desired goals.
Distance education learning has taken to an altogether new plane to satisfy the needs of different segments of people in the society. Working professionals can aspire for better job prospects, while they "learn and earn". Their work experience along with academic knowledge doubles career progress, in terms of better designation and remuneration. Students, who are ready to kick-start their career find distance learning programs to be of good value as certifications from reputable universities are treated equivalent to campus degrees. Distance education is also a fill-gap for many- the housewife, or the premature job-starter who had to discontinue studies for various reasons/commitments

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